Reinventing the customer relationship
In a rapidly evolving market, we transform each product into a unique point of contact between your brand and your customers.
- Creating a lasting relationship beyond the simple sale
- Direct communication with all users, from first purchase to second-hand
- Monetization of the second-hand market
- Significant reduction in customer acquisition costs
Our engagement platform paves the way for a new distribution model, where usage value becomes the driver of your growth.
Sustainable Engagement Serving Your Brand.
Our solution allows brands to maintain a connection with their customers throughout the product lifecycle.
- Creation of exclusive content for your users
- Offering personalized offers based on product usage
- Development of targeted buyback programs
- Deployment of upgrades adapted to customer needs
- Reintegration of second-hand products into your ecosystem
- Effective protection against counterfeiting
Renforcez votre croissance en fidélisant vos clients au-delà du premier achat, tout en sécurisant votre marque sur le marché de la seconde main.

This integrated approach generates value at every stage of the product lifecycle. It promotes growth in the second-hand market while providing valuable data on product usage.The direct and disintermediated communication enabled by our singularization solution offers tangible benefits: reduced acquisition and distribution costs, customer loyalty, enhanced customer experience, and creation of a more sustainable commercial ecosystem.
By transforming a heavy regulatory obligation into a powerful strategic tool, the Unum Solum solution enables brands and distributors to position themselves as leaders in tomorrow’s economy, today, creating sustainable value while addressing the environmental challenges of our time.
The translation maintains the bold text formatting while effectively conveying the business concepts around value creation, strategic advantages, and environmental sustainability.