Legal mentions

Website editor

Website name :
Editor : Hugues Touzot, CEO


This site is hosted by :
Address : Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Genève, Suisse
Web :

Design and development

The site is designed and developed by :
Unum Solum

Intellectual property

This website content, included text, images, logos, videos are the sole and exclusive property of Unum Solum, unless mentioned differently. Any reproduction, distribution, copy, modification, alteration, adaptation, broadcasting or publication in any format, including partial, of these content is strictly forbidden without the explicit written agreement of Unum Solum.


The photographies on this site are protected by intellectual property and belong to Unum Solum. All rights reserved to Unum Solum.

Additional legal information

SIREN : 933 433 294
Date of creation : 26 septembre 2024
Legal status : Société par actions simplifiée
Code APE : 7022Z – Conseil pour les affaires et autres conseils de gestion
Address : 35 Allée de la Bourgonnière, 44800 Saint-Herblain, France
Sources d’information : RCS


For additional information request, please use the contact form available at :


This website content is provided as is for informational purposes. Unum Solum does not guarantee the exactitude of the information provided but thrive to present fair, up to date, truthful information to the best of Unum Solum ability. Unum Solum can not be held responsible in any way of the exactitude of the information presented. The use of the information available on the site is the sole responsibility of the site visitor.

External links

The site can contain links to third party websites. Unum Solum can not be held responsible for the content on these third party websites.

Personal data

The information collected through the contact form are treated in respect of the personal data protection regulation in place in the European Union (GDPR). No personal data is sold, passed on, shared with third parties and is solely use by Unum Solum for the commercial communication purposes. For more details, please consult our confidentiality policy.

Modifications of legal mentions

Unum Solum reserve the right to modify these legal mentions at anytime without notice. It is advisable to check these regularly.